Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Transformers Tuesday - Classics Rodimus Review

As you may have noticed in my haul post from Saturday, I got this Rodimus figure this weekend. I'd been looking for a Rodimus for quite some time, and was able to purchase this one because it is missing it's weapons that come with it. That's fine with me though, as I really just wanted a Rodimus to go in my collection.

The figure has a pretty good look in general, and looks nice on display, even when just standing there in a not-really-posed kind of way. The detail on the figure is quite good in my opinion, and the transformation is a lot of fun. In all honesty, the alt mode is a blast to play around with.
Unforunatly though I do have a decent amount of "cons" to talk about with this figure. My first few nitpicks are that he's a bit too bulky in spots. The lower legs are pretty huge comparted to everything else, and the red plates on the sides of his upper legs are pretty immobile, so they often look like the entire leg is one solid piece. Another area where the figure is pretty bulky is in the chest itself. My issue here is that it is at its thickest along the figures upper chest, so whenever you look at the figure from any kind of a downward angle, all you see is the block of red and you miss all the detail of the chest piece/hood because it is at an inward angle towards the torso.

My last issue with the figure is the lack of articulation in the arms. In the picture above you see the elbow at a 90 degree angle... and that is literally all the arm can do. There is no rotation at the elbow, no movement past 90 degrees, and no movement side to side at the elbow either. In other words, it's just pretty limited there.

Now I know that it seems as if I've listed more cons than pros to this figure, but in all honesty it isn't all that bad - I think I'm just nitpicking because it isn't the perfect Rodimus figure for me. I'll be on the lookout for a better one, (and hopefully a new generations one soon, but this will do for now.

Check out my full video review below:

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